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Spunky.... Who?
















Spunky is our class mascot! If your child follows all expectations, it might be their turn to be the "Student of the Week!" This student gets to take Spunky home for the weekend. :)

*We love seeing the pictures of Spunky with your family!

Behavior Plan

In my classroom, I follow a love and logic scale. This means that I allow children to be responsible for their own actions and provide them with positive choices. When an expectation is not followed, I typcially reply with a positive, rather than negative statement. The positive statement usually reminds students of what they are expected to do. I find that telling students what you would like them to do is more efficient than telling them to stop doing something else.


To find out more about love and logic click here.













I give students many opportunities to be responsible for their day.


I acknowledge positive behavior and I reward it. When I see someone doing someting positive, they are given a class dojo point! Students earn points all week and then "cash" them in on Friday to "buy" a treat at our class store. 

Be sure to check your class dojo app for updates in real time about how your child is doing. 

*Please know that I understand this may be your child's first experience in a classroom setting. Kindergarten is the time when children are learning what is expected of them in school. Your child can recieve 1 behavior reminder and still be on "green." During the beginning of the year I spend weeks setting very clear expectations on what constitutes a "green day" and my students are very successful.



Our Classroom Expectations

I will do my best.

I will listen and follow directions

the first time.

I will raise my hand to talk.

I will walk inside.

 I will help others.

I will use sweet and kind words.

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